World War 1

 The nations at this time didn’t have had much co-operation among each other. They all talked often about each other and knew that a great war is coming by. At this specially, time the Great Britain, France, Germany, Hungary, Russia, and Italy were concerned on each other. The Serbian nation and Hungary were not good as friends. And on a day like 28th June 1914 the Archduke of Austria-Hungary went to Sarajevo and was unfortunately killed with his wife. He was shot and a man called Gavrilo Princip was guilty of shooting him.

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    The Hungarian government was astonished and was angry about Serbia. They asked Serbia a demand and they refused it. So, Hungary declared war against them. They asked Germany’s opinion and since they were friends, they said to attack. The war was getting cruel. But Germany at this time wanted to take everyone’s resources and territories. So, Germany first declared war on 3rd August 1914 and immediately invaded Belgium. That time Britain came and had a defense. The war was getting hard unless they thought it was normal. The allies: Great Britain, France, Russia made their alliances to beat central powers who were Germany, Hungary. After time the ottoman empire based on Turkey joined the central allies. Now, the game is on. Germany wanted to defeat France and turn on Russia to win the war. And they thought Britain wouldn’t participate because they didn’t have had much alliance with France. France had defensive bases in the border of France and Germany. So, they can waste time fighting on them. They had to defeat France before Russia shows up. So, they invaded Belgium and kept going on to Paris defeating France’s forces. But at a point the French army crossed through the German troops and attacked sidewise and from the back. So, the Germans had to retreat. 

    The western front was brutal, and the eastern front is getting to the war. The ottoman empire joined the war. But they were kicked off from the Balkan wars. Now Russia was ready. So, Hungary went to push down Russia and Russia invaded quiet a land of Hungary. 

    The western front got brutal. The UK marched army to the war and with French they pushed Germany towards the north. In the north, the trench warfare occurred. Soldiers had to fight in trenches for days and because of diseases and harshness, they got affected. But they kept going. Both sides had trenches and fought from them. Few kilometers were invaded.

                                                                    (Trench Warfare)

    Then the UK stepped towards the ottoman empire to take oil which they had. But it didn’t work successfully. Italy was in the central powers but after some disturbing situations with Hungary, Italy switched sides. Japan joined the Germany but it was busy building an empire. they took the colonies of Germany around them. Also, the allies jumped to Germany's colonies in Africa and other places to invade them. They did it. Greece’s king wanted to join the central powers and the prime minister wanted to join the allies, so they had problems. The king was abdicated, and they started a new offensive against the central powers. Germany didn’t obey the war rules and they sunk some ships. In one of those ships, more than 800 Americans were in. America was increasing their like to the war. Instead of joining the war, they exported much stuff to Europe and had the first place of economy in the world. 

    Portugal and the UK had some alliance. Germany hated it. At that time the expensive ships known as ‘Dreadnoughts’ were sent to war in Jutland. It did much casualties and they didn’t battle from them again. The UK started a naval blockade and Germany got much trouble from it.

                                                        (picture of a dreadnought ship)

    The Germans attacked a French city called Verdun, but the French defensed the city much as they could while asking for help to put the German's attention away. Then the UK made the brutal battle of the Somme. It was full of big casualties and it says that they first used the Sci-fi technology  A special thing to mention is that this war was a strange one which ordered the allies not wear helmets and boots. Specially the French who had a uniform of blue and red. Bulgaria joined the war with the central allies and knocked out Serbia with their help. A British military officer called T.E Lawrence cut off the ottoman supply lines after. Anyone in the war didn’t want to win except pulling others down. But this time all the nations were sick of war and nobody was a winner at all. Suddenly, because of Russia’s revolution and the lack of resources and food they gave up the war. They did much better in the Brusilov offensive until they ran out supplies. Romania jumped to the war against the central powers but they were pushed off. Then Germany moved on but couldn’t take whole Russia down. 

                                                            (map during world war 1)

    Germany informed Mexico to join the war and attack USA. The British got the message and showed it to the Americans. And that was it, America started sending troops to Europe. Germany had to make French and the British surrender before the American troops arrive. So, they started their one final attack. They punched from the west, north and many more. But the allies didn’t surrender. Then the American troops came, and it was all over. Bulgaria surrendered because the ottoman empire collapsed. Austria-Hungary surrendered and at last at 11’o clock Germany surrendered. The war was over. It occurred from July 28, 1914 – November 11, 1918. 17 million died and 20 million were injured. The Spanish flu occurred during the time and killed about 50 million world-wide. So, it is over and ended with peace. Isn’t it? Except no. 'World war II'.

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