An Empire Called 'Success'


    Hello everybody. So you might be wondering about the topic I'm here to introduce you. Can you guess it. Of course not because I even didn’t spell a word about it. let's go forward without wasting our precious time. So everybody, today I'm here to speak about the biggest empire. Yes the biggest empire is the British empire. And it had over 20% of the earth’s land. And had more over 20% of the world's population and thank you for listening.

    Except no. no. I'm not here to speak about the British empire, even not about the French empire, nor about the Spanish empire. I'm am here to speak about the biggest strongest and the powerfullest empire. so my everybody lets step in to know the biggest powerfullest and the strongest empire in the world.  I am not speaking about the landmass or the military power, I'm speaking about us. the empire inside the people. You see according my thinking's, I suppose that the biggest empire is inside us. But how, lets see.

    So how does an empire begin. They introduce their military power, take them to different countries and make those countries colonies. That’s how our life is. The more we learn the more we become genius. Our wealth is intelligence. But I'm not here to just speak about the empire in us. But I'm here teach you how to make your empire. or else I'm here to teach you how to build your success. what's success let me give you an introduction. Now everybody, what do you think about success. You know that success is a result of hard work. But did you know that success can be achieved by 2 ways. What are they?. One way is achieving success by competition. And the other one is by murder. Do  you know the koil bird. When they put eggs in their nests. They fly away. Then the eggs are alone. But the first one to hatch goes near other eggs which aren't hatched, and push them down the nest. See life begins with murder. compete or die. I quoted it from a film. However, think about it, ‘compete or die’. 

    That’s exactly true. I have seen people who even killed others for their success. But I refuse it. So do you wanna know the way to success.? Lets zoom in.

     .   You see, everybody in this meeting are going to face a big challenge in the future. It’s the GCE ordinary level exam. But many of us in here are afraid for the exam from now. You might think that ‘oh no what am I gonna do. I am gonna face a big thing. Will I get 9A’s. what if I don’t’. that’s my point. The biggest challenge to us is not anywhere else. Its inside us. If you think like negative. You would never build your empire. do you know how to make your empire.  the first thing that you have to do is kill your biggest enemy who is inside you. The enemy thinks that I will fail. Kill it. Think that o levels are not a big deal. I know how to get 9A’ the best.

    Now you have murdered the enemy inside you, who thinks negative. Now your military is ready to build your empire.  next step, learn well. don’t limit yourself just to learn. Think creatively and critically. Basically think advance. And work practical. Test the things your taught. Next step, win the challenges, which is known as examinations, tests and failures. specially, many people around you wants to pull you down. They want you not to build your empire. now you have made half of your empire. the next step is hardworking and studying, if you do those things, yes you have already built 3 forth of your empire. the next thing is very important Now listen, our knowledge can be including 2 types. One is theoretical knowledge and the other one is practical knowledge. To be sad, our practical knowledge is like 30 present.  So my dear friends everything around us is so simple. but we are too complex to identify them. you see, we have theoretical knowledge 70% but the most needed thing to win problems is still not developed. Its practical knowledge. However  if we want to follow the path success. You should get more experience, if you get experience it means you have practical knowledge. But remember that practical roles and experience also practice too contributes to success that’s how you be success. Work practically meanwhile think practically.

    My dear friends we should be more perfect. Wrong lets identify how to use practicality as an example, you know there is a language for every one. But to show you practicality, you learn language. But if you be practical, if you use that words for bad purposes you can be a person like Hitler but if you use good words you might be a person like Mahatma Ghandi. See the way we use practicality is too important. However you should know how to use theory and practicality for goodness. yes now you have built your empire completely.  you see, you have built your empire according to 4 steps, 

1. Defeat the negative thinker in you,
2. Think advanced and working practically.
3. Win the challenges you face successfully  and the last one
4. Hardworking and studying and the 5th one working more practically.

     But that’s not enough. Some people might invade your empire. to be the powerfullest, biggest and the strongest one, you should not limit yourself for just being knowledgeable. Find something new to the world. test your knowledge and make different new inventions. Basically, turn your knowledge to intelligence. Then you’ll be the best. Nobody will invade you. Because they can’t. I have heard about empires which have already collapse. But if you follow my methods your empire will never collapse. Now you’re the powerfullest empire. if you follow my steps you will take 9A’s for  O'levels very easily. The powerfullest weapon in the world is knowledge. But the way to use it depends on you. So flip the accelerator to win your life. remember that challenges are the hidden blessings which comes to test you. Never give up because the more you give up. The more your empire collapse.

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