

Let's learn Pressure

    Hello everyone. At this moment, we are going to learn a formula which is associated with physics. It is a subtopic of physics called 'Pressure'. Pressure is a basic thing that we feel during the activities of the day-to-day life. Before we learn about the formula, we should first learn about the vector quantities and scalar quantities.

Definition= Vector quantities are the quantities which has a specific magnitude/size and a specific direction. 

Definition= Scalar quantities are the quantities which has only a specific magnitude/size but no specific direction.

     Pressure has a specific magnitude but no direction. It is only exerted on an area. But no specific direction. Thus, pressure is a scalar quantity. So, now you maybe familiar with vectors and scalars. Now lets move on with the formula. A person called Pascal found the formula for pressure. 'Pressure is known as the perpendicular force acting on a unit area'. We should also remember that the units used to measure pressure. The standard international unit is 'Pascal' and 'Newtons per square meter' is also used.  The formula and the symbols are; 

    So, according to this formula lets make an example question. Question- 1800N of force is applied on a side of a cube which has a side length of 300cm. Find the pressure exerted?

    We should first convert 'cm' into 'm'

     So, Now you know how to solve any question regarding pressure. But, now let's move on with day-to-day examples. 

Force increases         then the         Pressure increases

Area decreases          then the         Pressure increases (if area increase, pressure decreases)

    So the above one's are important. 

Ex. An example for decrease of area and increase of pressure is vaccinating a person from a thin needle in a n injection cylinder. From that, the area is decreases(the needle of the cylinder is thin). from that mechanism it is easy to inject a person by an injection cylinder. 

Ex. An example for the increase of area and decrease of pressure is using broad tires in heavy vehicles. Using broad tires it increases the area and the pressure exerted by the heavy vehicle is decreased.

So, our article is over and thank you for your precious time. Be with us. 

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