Newtons Laws of Motion

 ‘Let’s learn Newton’s laws of motion’

    But before we learn the laws, we have to see who is Newton exactly and what is his subject. Asking who is Newton maybe a silly question for you. But let’s do this from the beginning. Isaac Newton is an English mathematician. He is associated in when learning more on classical mechanics. Newtons 3 laws of motion tell us about the relationship between the acting forces on objects.

Newton’s first law of motion

Newton’s first law is also known as law of ‘Inertia’. Newtons first law is like this;
                        “an object at rest remains in rest. An object at motion remains in motion in the same
direction and speed unless an unbalanced external force is applied”

     Now think there is a football on the ground and it is not moving or in motion. That is what the first line of Newton’s first law of motion tells us. “An object at rest, remains in rest”. 

Now think that someone kicked the football. Then it starts moving but it will stop due to friction (friction is the resistance given by the ground to an object), air resistance (think about a strong wind blowing against the direction of the ball moving), or someone stooped it. That’s the last sentence. The ball kept moving unless an unbalanced external force was applied on the ball.

Newton’s second law of motion

*Newton’s second law of motion is a formula. It is about the way of calculating force. The second law explains that force is directly proportional to acceleration and force is inversely proportional to mass.


*The above formula is saying that force is equal to mass times its acceleration. Let’s say acceleration is 5m/s
2, and the mass is 10 kilograms. Remember that weight and mass are two different things. 

*Anyway, the force is accordingly = 5m/s
x 10kg

*F=50N (force is measured in Newtons)

Newtons third law of motion

It is very common in us. “There is an equal opposite reaction for a certain reaction occurred”. Think you are trying to pull a cupboard. Then you fell its difficulty and the resistance to move. That’s the opposite equal reaction done on you by the cupboard. Another example is that think that a rocket is launched. When the rocket is launched, it releases a big fire to the ground. The fire is opposite from the rocket’s direction. An opposite equal reaction is occurred in order for the rocket to go to the space.

So this over from now, hope you got an idea on Newton’s laws of motion.

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