Human Ear


Parts of the ear and how it works

    The ear is a one sensory organ which we have. The ear is used to identify the stimuli from the environment. Ear is used to identify the sound by a person. So, from this subtopic we are going to learn the parts of the ear. 

       The above picture shows the parts of the ear. So before learning how the ear works, we should learn about the parts and functions of it. 

1. Pinna- Pinna is also known as ear lobe. Its a cartilaginous organ and the it helps to provide the way for the sound waves to the ear canal. It means, it provides the direction for the sound waves.

2. Ear Canal-  This is also know as the external auditory canal. This parts duty is to provide the direction for the sound waves towards the tympanic membrane.

3. Tympanic Membrane-  Tympanic membrane, also known as the ear lobe. So this part does it's job of vibrating to response to the  to the sound waves and acquires auditory senses.


4. Ossicles- Ossicles are consisting of 3 bones. The bones are known as Malleus, Incus and Stapes. Its function is to direct sound waves to the cochlea.

5. Eustachian Tube- This tube is connected to the pharynx. So, this parts work is to control the pressure occurring in the either sides of the tympanic membrane.

6. Cochlea- Cochlea has connected itself the nerve endings of the auditory nerve. it transmits auditory senses to the auditory nerve.


7. Balance Organs- Also known as 'Semi-circular Canals', plays a huge role not even in the ear, but in the whole body. It supports the body to maintain the body balance itself.


8. Nerves to the brain-  We also call it the 'Auditory Nerves'. They carry the auditory senses to the relevant part of the brain to interpret the sound.

    This one is also important for you. This states the parts which include in the 3 sections of the ear called the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear.

Outer Ear- Pinna, Ear Canal, Tympanic Membrane

Middle Ear- Ossicles, Eustachian Tube

Inner Ear- Cochlea, Auditory nerve, Semi-circular canals

    So, the above ones are the parts of the ear. So you would be able to think how much the hearing process in your body works. When you hear any sound, you interpret it soon. so you should be happy of having such a speed mechanism without defects. Speaking of defects, deafness, impaired hearing, hardening of ossicles, low set ears (ears are located below where it should normally be located) and etc... 

    You should remember that the hearing range or the audible range of the human ear is 20 Hz - 20 000 Hz. So to protect your ears, you shouldn't insert unnecessary objects to the ear, avoid hearing loud sounds which the ear cannot tolerate, shouldn't slap on the ear and should not divine in deep water without safety equipment which has a high pressure.

    There is another learn. The sound waves travel through the Ear Canal with the help of the Pinna. Then it travels to the Tympanic Membrane and it vibrates. Then the vibrations travel to the Cochlea and through the Auditory Nerve, it travels to the relevant part of the brain and the brain interprets the sound.  

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