Active Voice & Passive Voice

 “Let’s learn Passive and Active voices!”

Active Voice

In active voice, the subject is doing the work(verb). It has a doer, verb, and an object. It is in a simple manner.


Subject(doer) + Verb + Object(s)

Ex. I got a present, I get a present, I will get a present etc…

      We got a present

      He got a present

      She got a present

      They got a present

Passive voice

In passive voice, the subject receives the action done. 

Special thing =  A special point is that we have to use past participle of the verb

Ex. I was given a present 

In the above sentence, it doesn’t notify the person who gave the present. Sometimes it can be written like that.

Ex. I got a football by my best friend

      (Turn the above sentence to passive voice)

      Answer- I was given a football by my best friend

Ex. Who painted Mona Lisa?

       (Turn the above statement to passive voice)

        Answer- Who was Mona Lisa painted by?

Ex.  Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in 1503


       Mona Lisa was painted in 1503 by Leonardo da Vinci

Ex. He takes a present to his best friend

      (turn into passive voice)

        Answer- A present is taken by him to his best friend / A present is taken to his best friend by him

Ex. He will take a present to his best friend

      (turn to passive form)

       A present will be taken by him to his best friend / A present will be taken to his best friend by him

The lesson is over from now. Thank you for your precious time!

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