What is called 'Scientific Notation'?

    In the beautiful subject of mathematics, we are taught many long values such as speed of light (300,000,000ms-1) and very small values like a Nano meter (1,000,000,000th of a meter). Therefore, it is precisely hard to write such values when engaging in normal activities. Along with 3rd century BC, the famous mathematician Archimedes developed a system in which we could write long numbers and small numbers in easier terms. Behold! The scientific notation was introduced.

So, how do we do work with it?

    Now you see, the speed of light is 300,000,000ms-1 which is followed by 8 zeros. When we write the scientific notation, we use the numbers between 0 and 10 represent the 'co efficient'. So, the first number in the value, ‘speed of light’ is 3. Then, we count the number of zeros it has and write it as a power of 10 which is called the 'base'.

Hence, 300,000,000 = 3 x 108

For the value 1,234,000: we use the number between 0 and 10 which is in the given value. Its absolutely alright to have decimals! Therefore,

1,234,000 = 1.234 x 106

See how easy it is! Next, we will learn to use the scientific notation for very small numbers. Take the value of nanometer for example (1,000,000,000th of a meter which is also 1,000,000,000-1 of a meter. It can also be written as 0.000 000 000 1 Hence, we do the same thing as we did before. However, we will use a negative value for the power of 10.  

0. 000 000 000 1 = 1 x 10-9
0. 001 234 = 1.234 x 10-6


Hope you enjoyed.
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