Toxicology and its Effects

 What is Tox?

    Toxicology is a branch of biology, chemistry and medicine concerned with the study of adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms. The term toxicology is a combination of two ancient Greek words, 'Toxicos' (poisonous) and 'Logos' (science). It also studies the harmful effects of chemical, biological and physical agents in biological systems that establishes the extent of damage in living organisms.
    Factors that influence chemical toxicity include the dosage, the route of explosive, the species, age, gender and environment. 

    Adverse effects depend on two main factors;
    1. Routes of exposure (oral, inhalation) 
    2. Dose (duration and concentration of exposure)

    To explore dose, substances are tested in both acute and chronic models. Generally, different sets of experiments are conducted to determine whether a substance cause cancer and to examine other form of toxicity. 

    Most chemicals display a classic dose response curve-at a low dose (below and threshold), no effect is observed. A few chemicals are subjected to bioaccumulation as they are stored rather than being exerted from the body; these also receive special consideration.  

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