The Mongolian Empire

    Ancient Mongolians called him a God, and the historians call him a mighty emperor. His real name was Temujin and was changed as Genghis Khan. Temujin was born to Yesugei, the leader of Borjigin tribe. He had a blood clot on his hand, and the futurists who observed his blood clot said that Temujin is going to be great and cruel leader. When Temujin was 9 years old, his father organized a marriage between him and a girl called Borte. But that marriage wasn’t held since Yesugei was poisoned to death by a tribe called Tatar, and Temujin had to stay with his mother and the other siblings. In this moment, Temujin besought the members of his tribe to make him the leader. But the other members of the tribe didn’t like to give the power of the tribe to a child, and leaved Temujin and his family. For the next several years the family lived in poverty surviving mostly on wild fruits, ox carcasses, marmots and other small animals killed by Temujin and his brothers. Then, Temujin’s older half-brother Begter began to exercise power as the eldest male in the family and would eventually have the right to claim Hoelun (who was not his own mother) as a wife. So, Temujin killed his half-brother and claimed his position as the leader of the family.

    In a raid around 1177 Temujin was captured by his father's former allies the Tayichiúds and enslaved. With the help of a sympathetic guard he escaped from them at night by hiding in a River crevice. The escape earned Temujin a reputation. At this time none of the tribal Confederations of Mongolia were united politically and arranged marriages were often used to solidify temporary alliances. Temujin grew up observing the tough political climate which included tribal warfare, thievery, raids, corruption and revenge between Confederations compounded by interference from abroad, such as from China to the South. So Temujin began build up an army and it became larger later.

    A brilliant tactical mind combined with Savage brutality Temujin proof than exceptional battlefield commander, and his fighting force met its first true challenge

    When Temujin turned his army on the Taters who had murdered his father so long ago. Easily defeated. Temujin then ordered as punishment that every Tater male who was taller than the axle pin of a wagon wheel be killed, ensuring that only children who could be molded to be obedient to the Temujin would be left alive.

    With one vengeance satisfied He turn next to the Taichiúts the former family allies who had attempted to enslave him. Relying on an army of expert horsemen his cavalry easily routed the Taichiúts forces and as revenge Temujin had every single Taichiúts chief boiled alive. every single time eastern a few years later he would go on to defeat the powerful Naiman tribe who stood between Temujin and his ambitions of a unified Mongolia. Their defeat would give the young Temujin control over central and eastern Mongolia, more territory than any Khan had held in centuries.

    Temujin was a shrewd battlefield commander who combined expert tactical thinking with ruthless brutality. Yet he was aware of the value of military intelligence. He employed a huge network of spies which he sent out amongst his enemies to learn the strengths. After his initial victories over the major Mongolian tribes, the other tribes unified and agreed to peace. At last bestowing upon Temujin the title of Genghis Khan or the universal ruler. A title of not just political but also spiritual importance, a great shaman declared that Genghis khan was the living representative of Mongke Koko Tengri, or Supreme God of the Mongols.

    With this newfound divine status, it was clear that Genghis Khan’s destiny was to rule the world. Genghis immediately led his forces to fresh conquests, striking out in 1207 against the kingdom of Xi Xia which had flourished in northwest China since 1000 AD. Two years later the Kingdom surrendered unconditionally and Genghis turned his attention against the jin dynasty of China. Yet even as he fought for control of china, his armies also struck out west. He invaded Turkish empire and destroyed almost everything.

    The invasion of Turkish empire led Genghis Khan to Europe too. With his powerful army, he built up the second largest empire in the world after Great Britain.

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